Wrapper function that runs ss_modelselect() across multiple species in a dataframe. A single best-fit equation is selected per species, based on the lowest AICc value. All allometric equations considered (and ranked) can be found in ?eqns_info and data(eqns_info).

  species = "species",
  response = "height",
  predictor = "diameter"



Dataframe that contains the variables of interest. Each row is a measurement for an individual tree of a particular species.


Column name of the species variable. Defaults to species.


Column name of the response variable. Defaults to height.


Column name of the predictor variable. Defaults to diameter.


A list of 3 elements:


List of tables showing each species' candidate models ranked by AICc value.


List of each species' best-fit model object.


Table showing each species' best-fit model information.


A dataframe with the following variables:


Name of tree species.


Model code for the best-fit equation.

a, b, c, d, e

Parameter estimates.


Geometric mean of the response variable used in calculation of AICc (only for transformed models).


Bias correction factor to use on model predictions (only for transformed models).

predictor_min, predictor_max

Range of the predictor variable within the data used to generate the model.

response_min, response_max

Range of the response variable within the data used to generate the model.


Residual standard error of the model.


Mean standard error of the model.


Adjusted \(R^2\) of the model.


Sample size (no. of trees used to fit model).

See also

ss_modelselect() to select a best-fit model for one species.

ss_modelfit() to fit a pre-selected model for one species.

ss_modelfit_multi() to fit pre-selected models across multiple species.

Other single-species model functions: ss_modelfit_multi(), ss_modelfit(), ss_modelselect(), ss_predict(), ss_simulate()


results <- ss_modelselect_multi(urbantrees, species = 'species',
                                response = 'height', predictor = 'diameter')

head(results$ss_models_rank[[1]]) # Highly-ranked models for 1st species in list
#>   df     AICc    model
#> 1  3 591.9422   lin_w1
#> 2  4 593.0074  quad_w1
#> 3  5 593.4045   cub_w1
#> 4  6 594.0030 quart_w1
#> 5  3 594.0139   lin_w2
#> 6  5 595.5983   cub_w2

results$ss_models[[1]] # model object for 1st species in list
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = y ~ x)
#> Coefficients:
#> (Intercept)            x  
#>       6.717        9.464  

results$ss_models_info # summary of best-fit models
#>                    species modelcode         a           b          c        d
#> 1            Albizia saman    lin_w1  6.717431   9.4640964         NA       NA
#> 2            Hopea odorata  quart_w4 -1.149669 149.3178483 -1522.6122 7908.410
#> 3     Syzygium myrtifolium  quart_w2 -4.614100 158.5128488  -748.2492 1638.676
#> 4       Terminalia mantaly   expo_w1  1.241983   3.8600410         NA       NA
#> 5 Xanthostemon chrysanthus loglog_w1  2.947907   0.5916555         NA       NA
#>            e response_geom_mean correctn_factor predictor_min predictor_max
#> 1         NA          13.566083        1.000000    0.31194369     1.5278875
#> 2 -14225.442           5.390829        1.000000    0.03183099     0.2928451
#> 3  -1321.221           7.735643        1.000000    0.04138029     0.5665916
#> 4         NA           7.596013        1.000533    0.03501409     0.5602254
#> 5         NA           5.041605        1.000883    0.02864789     0.3533240
#>   response_min response_max residual_SE mean_SE adj_R2   n
#> 1            8           20      2.2050  4.7889 0.4276 133
#> 2            2           15     11.9430  2.6339 0.5460 483
#> 3            1           18      2.1674  2.2536 0.6662 353
#> 4            3           18      0.2493  0.0615 0.6702 197
#> 5            2           13      0.2123  0.0449 0.6137 418